Worldbybike gets back on the road in September with a three week jaunt around Madagascar. Jo, Dave and myself are off to the land of the Lemur and are looking forward to riding down the Avenue of the Baobab trees.

Madagascar Baobab trees - Photo Credit: Buck Denton, The Conservation Report
The island, twice the size of New Zealand and with 21 million people is renowned for the limits of its roading, with very few circular routes meaning there’ll be a bit of back and forth trips. But of course its famous for its wildlife and the proliferation of National Parks will make for some wonderful photo ops. Even though it sits just off Mozambigue, it was formerly part of India so its plants have evolved in complete isolation. With an average GDP of just US$500 per person this is not a rich country but based on past experience riding through the developing world we’re bound to enjoy the people. The bikes we’ll use are Honda Transalps. The “Galapagos of the West” awaits!
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