The ancient trolleys cruise along with the more modern ones in Murmansk. This surely must be the most Northern trolley route in the world. 10 rubles each (about 50cents) to the conductor got Gareth and me a ride to the terminal of route 3 and towards the end in the residential streets our teeth were almost dislodged by the shaking as we battled the pot-holes. I videoed the workings of the bus as Gareth took photos of semi derelict highrise housing interspersed with a bit of industry and some older wooden housing blocks, while we waited for the return trip. Driver and conductor had a smoke.
Tonight I sought the trolleys again as Tony and I tried a couple of the bars with live music in Petrozavodsk. This is a lively town a few hundred km North of Saint Petersburg.
Pub crawl by trolley bus in memory of a mate that has just died, trolley bus friend , Ian Little, off to the overhead in the sky.
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