As the two of us persist on the traverse of Eastern Patagonia, knowing that the arid Pampa will come to an end and the 3,000 kms to Buenos Aires isn’t really that far after all, the monotony of the traverse is broken by a few diversions we make. First to the Welsh villages that line the Rio Chubut, still proud to be Welsh after more the 150 years since they arrived at this far flung part of their globe. then to the Peninsula Valdes – which they is Patagonia’s answer to The Galapagos (sorry Patagonia, you lose!) but which hosts a great sight as the Orca whales try to steal sealion pups from the beach without getting beached! And then to Balneario El Condor where 35,000 parrots have burrowed their way into the cliffs – the largest parrot colony in the world. All this has kept us from falling from our bikes with the boredom of the ride up roads that can go for 125 kms before you hit the first corner, and have not one skerrick of human habitation to distract one frm the monotony of the road. The photos are here and more of them are here

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