The original planning was for Gareth and me to have half of this trip alone to see if it is possible for us to manage repairs and maintenance of the bikes, his work schedule, and stay talking to each other.
I have always been spoilt by having others here, to go for an explore with, or to have a drink with, when Gareth is tapping on the computer distracted by other less worldly things.
He has promised to do a walk with me each day but it is a bit like having a reluctant puppy and a lead has been suggested. “Have we finished yet?” is a common question.
But we have a computer each so we sit and tap over breakfast.
When we left Ushuaia at the bottom we did two big and very cold, days riding through the isolated parts of Patagonia with Brendan, and then he had to go west to leave his bike at a Santiago depot for freighting. Then we thought we were alone when Chris and Tony turned up in the sleepy seaside village of Puerto San Julian to join us for the next boring, but windy, 500km haul up Highway 3. I thought they had changed their minds and were going to come with us to Uruguay and Paraguay but it was just another final dinner, good wine and local sea treats.
Now we are alone. I’ve done oil changes, tightened my chain ( and loosened it the next day) . I also washed our riding gear and marvelled how much dirt hides in clothes.
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