
dear all,
Gareth and Floyd went straight out to the exotic island Zanzibar, where they are doing a dive course, and I stayed in this bustling town to help with the bike service and enjoy the city.

As I walked to the internet this morning I was following a Masai man in his traditional reddish wrap around gear carrying a spear, the streets are vibrant and full of action with most people calling to me “habari” or “Hi Miss” or “you need taxi”. Most of the locals in this inner city area now recognise me and have stopped the harrassing behaviour that make being a tourist hard work. Many ask about the motorbike too.
The street markets are full of live chickens and all sorts of exotic vegetables and gorgeous fruit, pineapple, pawpaw, passionfruit,and banana were all on my breakfast plate. Many of the women are in the Muslem garb some fully covered with flashing dark eyes the only sign of a hidden passion for life. Yes eyes do reveal a lot and you can see them smile at you.
I’m off to Zanzibar to meet up with Gareth today. I’ve heard it is a tourist mecca with clean white beaches and first class accommodation but no doubt it won’t have the vibe of life that I’ve found on these filthy streets.
Lots of love from Dar Es Salaam

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