We were waiting for the tropical down-pour to finish, under a verandah of a gracious wooden house in Paramaribo when a man joined us. He wasn’t very well dressed and looked a bit the worse for wear. He unfolded a sign and was asking for money (I think). The sign said “Help me , my penis is cut off. I need money” Since we were a little incredulous about this claim and further its logic, he started to remove gear to prove the point. Too much, we decided the rain wasn’t that bad after all and set off.
In the village at the west end of French Guyana, Saint Jean, the little children came in all states of dress and undress to look and laugh at us. It was just like being in Africa as these people were initially brought here as slaves. A couple of the small girls patted my boobs and talked, and then another pulled thetop of my dress down to get a better look. There were shrieks, probably of horror, at these white small things. The local ladies are generally very well endowed so this wasa new experience for the littlies! Photos here.

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