Have hit it at last – Mexico’s long coastline of beaches. Seems werid to be watching the sun set over the Pacific but the temperatues of the water (23) and the air (33) are agreeable – especially since we read its raining for Easter back in NZ. In fat i could stop right here, park the bike up and just beach bum from now on. The seaside jaunts are full of US surfies doing just that – the break down here apparently is the finest along the coast so it’s to here they flock. To me the waves look massive and a step wrong would see you crawling back up the beach with a wrenched back or worse. Indeed we saw a few of those – so quite a surfing challenged!
The Pina Coladas haven’t got any worse now we’re on the coast and for some reason they go down even easier at sunset over the bay. Heaven! One thing that this whole South American trilogy – from the Pisco Sours of Peru to the Cappriosca’s of Brazil and now to these – cocktails are addictive on roadtrips.
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