Yesterday our first day off the bikes since we started. We were to meet in the lobby at 7am, so some day off (you might say). A day off means you get to wear fresh socks around here. So into the public transport system to discover hardly anyone, in the car-filled city, uses it.
We found the Historic Memorial Area that had M L’s birth home and the famous Ebinezer Baptist Chapel and were shown and told of the history by knowledgeable locals that were delightful. We all had tears in our eyes as we saw the photos of the white families posing beside the bodies of the lynched blacks, the entertainment of the day. Film footage captured the moods of the times and it is a wonder the forgiveness that has happened to allow this and other communities to go forward. The atmosphere today in Atlanta is good.
The tourist brochure advised us to go to the Aquarium, the Coca Cola factory and shopping underground, but, no mention of its most famous son’s memorial.
XX jo
Photos of the visit to MLK’s memorial in Atlanta and in Memphis can be seen here.
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