Last challenge of the ride has been making my worn out rear tyre last the distance. It’s been down to the steelbelt for a while now and with still 600kms to go the chances of a failure quite high. Problem is locating a tyre this size in Mexico is nigh on impossible so it’s been a question of nursing it to Tijuana at least. Keeping the speed right down and riding like a granny (oops I mean a granny who doesn’t normally ride, sorry Jo) has done the trick and we’ve managed to get all the way through to San Diego.
Got to the US a day early so had to make a decision what was the best thing to do around San Diego. Decided since it was a day off we’d go for a bike ride. A couple of hundred kms later we’re exhilarated having done some miles through the back roads of Southern California – reminding ourselves of what fun our 2006 Backblocks America ride was. The backroads in the US are just great and it whets the appetite to do some more. So we’ve put the northeast US in our “to do” basket for some future year.

Down to the wire & still 600kms to go. Will it make it? Yes!!
Thanks to everyone involved making this “South of the Border” ride happen. South & Central America has been a blast – 40,000 kms of great riding, best people you can imagine – no aggressive behaviour whatsoever, nothing but helpful and fun. We’d recommend this continent to anyone. Don’t believe all the sensational, dopey headlines we get in the West, the place is no more violent than Lambton Quay after Parliament late session. Seriously – the Americans are staying away from Mexico in droves. There are 100 million people here, and they’re not all drug gangsters. Press headlines really are the epitome of the dopey dumbing down of popular perception. And it works. Already today we’ve had at least half a dozen Americans in shock and horror that we’ve been south of the border. How silly.
Anyway great ride and we move on – setting aside the long rides for a couple of years we’re feeling now and knocking off a lot of other projects that have been stuck in the “In” tray for too long. But it’s not over yet, there’s a lot still of the world out there to do by bike an time waits for nobody. Thanks Dave for coming with us again, it was great to be back riding together. Let’s hope we can join up again for another one some time.
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