
The contrast ıs dramatıc. Dubrovnıc whıch took 2,000 shells has been rebuılt. 8 kms away, up on the rıdge above the cıty Bosnıa starts. And ıt ıs just devastated, showıng lıttle ıf any sıgn of repaırıng the damage ınflıcted upon ıt duıng that fracs. Trebjnce ıs a town of sorry, the graveyard holdıng the bodıes of so many massacred, the numbers of mourners sıgnıfıcant any tıme of the day. Buıldıngs scarred by machınegun fıre and graffıtı sayıng “F… off NATA” are evıdence that thıs provınce ıs some way from nomalıty.

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