The road through the western part of the Yucatan peninsular to this mountain town was a wonderful winding route, through many villages that were already dressed for Easter. We looked out for, but didn’t see any, Judas burnings that are a part of the Easter Saturday rituals in very catholic Mexico. This little mountain town is 2200m and cool, the first time in weeks I have put my jacket on.
This road was covered in speed-bumps, called topes, here. Occasionally marked by a sign or painted so you get some warning but more often a surprise, sometimes in the middle of no-where. They vary in height and width with some requiring trucks to stop completely before crawling over them, We often manage to pass the larger vehicles at these ones. We would have had at least 100 bumps over the day’s ride.
Some of the local merchants have set up stalls by the bumps to sell drinks and trinkets, so this is often a warning sign of a bump ahead. The unofficial earthen ones were very hard to see and vendors had made them to slow you for their shop.
Children had joined the competition for the travellers dollars and had ropes or strings with tassels on them that they would pull up in front of you to try and stop you too. We were also stopped a couple of times by military with serious fire-power ensuring this road in this the Zapatista area remains open.
We had left the Mayan ruins at Palenque early this day, luckily as we met another traveller who did the same road in torrential rain a few hours after us, so the weather gods continue to smile on us.
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