Gareth’s bike has stopped, his moto is roto.

Gareth’s trusty steed wouldn’t restart yesterday morning after a fuel stop. We had only got to the outskirts of Leon. All easy fix-it options were covered off. The kill switches were checked but as the starter motor still turned – not them. Bike immobilising alarm was checked and seemed normal.

Most of my day was spent in the garage forecourt, burrowing down through layers of electrics, and removing plastic panels and just trying to see. Dave and I gave up before we could access the spark-plugs (to check the spark) due to the complexity of the systems. We were looking for electrical issues, wear or loose connections as well. Gareth went back to the hotel to look for professional help, the BMW agency in the nearest big town Managua doesn’t do bikes. Emails and skype communications flew around the globe. Lots of helpful suggestions and things for us to check, from all around the world. Fuel solenoids were swapped between our bikes, and his still didn’t go.
The local bike net work kicked into action, Henri arrived to welcome us as a friend in another town had said we were broken down here and a local Kiwi, Connor, arrived and has been a great host and translator.

It was too hot, we were dehydrating and the fuel station wasn’t too secure so Dave towed Gareth’s bike back to the hotel we had stayed in the previous night. Air-con and wi-fi were what we needed tonight.

This morning we have a truck and mechanic coming at 9am to take the bike to Managua.
This truck was due 3 hours ago and the day has gone now. The weekend is coming too so will keep you posted.

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